Saturday, 24 May 2014
Founded in 1865 by Jean Roullet, in 1879 Jean's only daughter Henriette Roullet married Ernst Decamps, a worker in the company. By 1906 Ernst Decamps became head of the firm. After Ernst passed away, his widow Henriette Roullet Decamps and son Gaston Decamps were the successors. Roullet & Decamps are best known for their automata, mechanical walking and moving dolls and toys. Roullet et Decamps won many bronze, silver and Grand awards between 1867 and 1910. Jumeau, Kestner and Simon & Halbig marked bisque heads have been found on walking and mechanical dolls with an RD marked key.
I just bought this early Roullet and Decamps Mechanical Clockwork Walking Dog
similar dog found on Ebay above..
And a few of my Roullet and Decamps Growlers. Pull their lead and their mouths open wide and they growl Grrrr!!
Victorian Growler

mouth opens and closes


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